Do You Need A Cyber Security Assessment?

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Cybersecurity is today’s primary need from small to big businesses. Have you had your cyber security assessment already? Do you need an assessment? If so, how frequent should it be?

Define Cyber Security Assessment

This is an analysis or evaluation of your IT systems against cyber threats. How? This examines your defenses in case of an attack. Moreover, consider the vulnerability against the threats of your system.

How well is your system handling current issues? Do you need to upgrade your defenses? What if an attack comes up, for instance? Can the business continue and recover?

Overall, a cybersecurity assessment is vital. It helps you gain a better understanding of your system’s cyber health.

“A Small Business Does Not Need An Assessment”

If you are one of those thinking the same, then stop and consider this.

Do you know that 87% of small businesses do think they are not prone to cyberattacks? Moreover, do you know that half of them, actually experience cyberattacks?

Yes. Cyberattacks do attack even small businesses.

They love small businesses. Why? Because small businesses tend to underestimate the value of security and prevention. As a result, half of the small businesses that experience cyberattacks shut down in a matter of 6 months!

Thus, cybersecurity assessment is for you too! Whether you own a small or big business. You are one of the targets. Then, why not consider having your cybersecurity assessment?

How To Conduct The Assessment?

Inventory Systems and Resources

First, list all your business network resources. This includes every device your company has. Computers, tablets, mobile phones, routers, printers- everything connected online.

Take note, that every device connected to your network can be an innocent source of cyber intrusion. So include listing even those seemingly not-so-important devices.

Second, document how these devices connect. Which departments have access to the systems? How about the network resources connected to the vendors?

The inventory should include the connections of these devices and networks. This must reflect how data and information move in between.

Identify Weak Points and Threats

Do you use IoT devices? Smartphone devices’ attacks increase more and more today! On the other hand, email phishing is one of the attackers’ favorite bait.

Take note of these potential threats:

  • Unauthorized Access
  • Data Leakage
  • Fail Processes
  • Loss of Data
  • Service Disruption

Control the Impact

Now you have identified your weak points. Next, is to rate their risk levels. Classify them according to low, medium, and high risk.

How much should this impact my business? Which data are of most risk? How controlled are they? Should we level up our defenses? If so, in which area?

Overall, low-risk levels must mean you don’t need to do anything at all. However, high-risk levels should move you to raise higher defenses and control.

Implement Cybersecurity Protocols

Maintenance of your cyber health includes cyber health protocols. This shall raise your defenses and mitigate the risks it has.

For instance, this should include:

  • Firewalls
  • Segregate Networks
  • Password Policy
  • Install Anti-Malware and Anti-Ransomware
  • Multi-factor authentication

Evaluate and Repeat

Be proactive with your security measures. Also, repeat and conduct the assessments periodically.

Remember, that a healthier cyber system means better business.

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