Information Security Architecture

Information Security Architecture

security risk assessment template

Learn more about creating the information security architecture. Also, learn the takeaways you should always remember.

Introduction About The Information Security Architecture

So the information security architecture is a process where you can secure your CIA. The CIA stands for the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data information.

Therefore, your information security architecture should be strong and robust. However, it is not easy stuff.

There are the following techniques that use in this security architecture. Moreover, it is also used to attack a technology at the same time.

So it means that the more our systems or technology. Malware has also become more sophisticated.

It is a sad reality in the world of technology. Therefore, there are things that you should consider to be always strong when it comes to your security level.

We will discuss some tips or things to do to have a strong security architecture.

Information Security Architecture: Make It Robust

We have here the for stages to have a strong information security architecture. Here are the following:

  • Analysis and assessment
  • Design and modeling
  • Deployment
  • Management and the support

So we will discuss these stages one by one to have more knowledge about this. 

Stage One Is The Analysis And Assessment

It is an important part to start your information security. Moreover, it covers the following identifications for data:

  • Threats,
  • vulnerabilities, and
  • following asset within:
    • resources,
    • devices, and
    • partners

Also, the auditor of the information security is the one in charge here to go through the following:

  • searching every type of potential threats,
  • assessing every data, and 
  • checking the status of the database environment.

Note that threats may occur if there are external firewall mistake. Also, they can be present in the following:

  • database layers,
  • computer,
  • networks, and 
  • all types of security.

So everything is addressed accordingly. It should be started from there likelihood.

Stage Two Is The Design And Modelling

This stage involves the way you create the policies. Also the following prototypes of the architecture. 

So in this stage, everything must be align or fit your company’s needs. Also, take note that all parts of personnel in your company should take part in this.

  • Top management
  • Human resources,
  • Other Staff,
  • Users

Everyone should be aware of the process.

Stage Three Is The Deployment

So in this stage, the following security policies in tools and firmware are implemented. It includes the following steps in this stage:

  • Make some adjustments in your training and awareness program. Moreover, it should be based on user approval.
  • Test all the software and firmware.

Stage Four Is The Management And Support

In this stage, the management and support covered the ongoing maintenance, support, and assessment process. Also, during this stage, the following performance of the security systems is continuously monitored.

So if ever any failures and breaches occur you could re-assess your information security architecture. Moreover, here are the following steps to include:

  • To do continuous monitoring of the actions of the information security architecture.
  • Revise all the company security policies is needed
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