Information Security Fundamentals

Information Security Fundamentals: An Overview

Cyber Practices Cyber Security

Information security fundamentals are vital factors to consider to make the right policy. Following so is crucial for every company.

But what is information security or Infosec? As we rely on data more and more each day, keeping it safe and secure is vital.

So, infosec comes into the picture to keep these data from any unauthorized access. Or even change.

Also, these apply to both physical and digital data. But oftentimes people confuse it with cybersecurity.

We get their point but it is not the same thing. One of the biggest differences is Infosec’s focus on data only.

Then, there are three key fundamentals. Which sets it farther apart from one another.

What are these? Keep on reading to know more.

Information Security Fundamentals


When thinking about Infosec, this may be the first that comes to mind for many. And that is only right.

As said, we now value data like gold. So, keeping it confidential is vital. Making sure no outsiders can access it.

Thus, there are a lot of things companies can do to ensure this. First, they should know who is trying to access it. Then, block any attempts if they are not allowed any access.

There are common things to do, like:

  • passwords
  • encryption
  • authentication
  • software against penetration attacks

But failing to do so raises the risk of hackers being able to attack.


Integrity means keeping data accurate, complete, and reliable.

Meaning, data must not get changed or deleted by anyone who is not allowed to do so. Whether it is by accident or intentional.

Also, whether it be by outsiders or those who can access but not allowed to edit or delete.

So, the way to keep data’s confidentiality is also a way to keep its integrity. Because at the end of the day, hackers can’t change anything if they can’t get any access. Right?

But what if they get in? Or what about those who have the right to access data? How can companies keep them from damaging data integrity?

Here is one way: checksums. This can aid in checking data integrity.

Then, there is what we call control software. This aids in keeping control of those who can access data. Then control only who among them can edit or delete.

Further, it is always safe to do backups. In case of any unwanted change, they can always retrieve the backup.


Availability is the contrast of confidentiality. If it keeps people away from data, availability lets people in. But only those who have the right to access it.

So, letting them access data anytime and easily is vital. Also, companies need to make sure that they are secure when accessing data.

So, to ensure this means to match network and computing resources. To the amount of data access they expect.

Information Security is Vital

In conclusion, Infosec is vital. Also, following its fundamentals are crucial for companies to keep their data safe. Then, it is now clear that these are what sets it apart from cybersecurity.

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