Information Security Objectives

Top 10 Information Security Objectives In A Company

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Every information security implementation in a company comes with numerous objectives. So let us know what these are and filter them in the top 10.

Therefore, let us start.

1. Zero-day attacks:

One of the objectives in the information security is the zero-day attack. It is when the attacker exploits a vulnerability in a widely used software that is not yet known to the developers of that product. This is termed a zero-day attack since it takes advantage of a zero-day vulnerability.

It is an attack that is impossible to prevent without security patches for the vulnerability.

2. Security policy:

Security policy is a set of rules and regulations about how an organization deals with information security. Also, data information security practices.

It also deals with the accountability of the employees. As well as management for those policies and their implementation.

The entire process of defining, implementing, and maintaining those standards and controls. It is called the Information Security Management System.

3. Information Security Measures:

Information security measures can be broadly classified into technical and non-technical steps and procedures. The non-technical ones include the following:

  • policies, standards, and guidelines,
  • access control,
  • segregation of duties

The technical includes encryption, anti-virus protection, intrusion detection system (IDS), firewalls, etc. 

4. Security Threats:

One of the biggest threats comes from internal sources. This can be employees, contractors, or anyone with access to the network.

Thus, it is vital to have strong control over that.

5. Privacy Policies:

Fortunately, some organizations have a clear privacy policy, some don’t.

Yet, a privacy policy is a vital part of information security. It is an important policy that every organization should have in place.

It is a set of rules and regulations that describes how you collect, store and use your customers’ data. In this digital age, privacy policies are the most important aspect of customer data security.

It is a must-have for any company today.

Therefore, make sure you have one in place. if you don’t have one, get it from your web developer or your IT department. 

6. Information Security Policies:

Information security policies are the set of rules that govern how a company deals with issues of information security. Policies that deal with the following:

  • Access Control,
  • Biometrics,
  • Change Controls,
  • Cryptography,
  • Data Backups,
  • Employee Security Awareness Program, etc.

7. Security Audit:

A security audit is a process of verifying that your information security policies are in place and are implemented effectively. It is a kind of risk assessment.

It is an ongoing process for every information security manager. You should conduct regular audits to check if you are doing things right. 

8. Information Security Awareness Program: 

An information security awareness program is an important tool to raise the awareness of the employees within your organization. It is a system that is designed to educate your employees about security.

It aims at improving the overall level of awareness and knowledge of the employees. In addition, it helps them to take responsibility for their actions. 

9. Encryption: 

Encryption is the process of converting data into a format. Which makes it impossible for an unauthorized user to read it.

Since encryption eliminates the possibility of unauthorized access, it is one of the most important security measures.

Encrypting a file with a password or a key can make it impossible for anyone who is not authorized to decrypt it. 

10. Penetration testing

Penetration testing refers to an activity performed by skilled ethical hackers who attack your network or web application. So to find vulnerabilities that might be exploited by malicious users.

Penetration testing allows you to find out your vulnerabilities. As well as fix them before they are exploited by malicious users. Penetration testing also helps you identify flaws in your technology infrastructure and locate possible risks.

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