Vendor Cybersecurity Questionnaire

Top Vendor Cybersecurity Questionnaire You Should Ask

CISO Tips Third Party Security Third-Party Security

To ensure a quality vendor risk assessment. Consider the vendor cybersecurity questionnaire. 

This is increasingly crucial. This happens every year. Naturally, companies build more and more vendors on their list. Thus, this surely affects their IT ecosystem as a whole. Make sure to be informed of the vendor’s security measures foremost.

Top Vendor Cybersecurity Questionnaire You Should Have

Ensure Regular Penetration Tests

Penetration test refers to internal ethical hacking. This practice is done to make sure of the system’s current security level.

Thus, ask: “How often are penetration tests handled? If so, when was the last test? Do they take external entities to handle the pen tests?”

How they handle this shows how strict their measures are. Also, this reflects their consistency with it.

Standard IT Security

A company who’s mindful of their security should have this. This should include the framework of keeping the security levels of the company stable. Moreover, this should involve the identification of current risks. Also, measures are employed to manage those risks effectively.

So ask: “Does the company employ a high-standard IT Security Program? If so, can they further discuss how this is managed?”

Access Reviews

Often, failures in access reviews lead to SOC report exceptions. Thus, make sure that this vendor has regular access reviews of users.

This involves who is the personnel who have access. Should they continue having access? If not, is it removed? How often are these updated?

So ask, “Do they employ strict access review?

Access Privileges

On the other hand, also make sure if they perform proper access management. If, for example, personnel no longer needs the access privilege. This access should be therefore removed. These accesses should be role-based. 

So ask, “How do they do the access privilege management? Is this strictly employed?”

Data Protection

A basic fact is that data is a company’s asset. Thus, consider how data between the client and the vendor are effectively secured. This should reflect the security measures. Especially with the risk of high data breaches these days.

So ask, “Considering the data protection. How does this vendor manage their client’s data? Also, how about the data on the cloud and servers? How are these data wisely backed up?”

Hard Drives Data Protection

Aside from data on the cloud, we all store data on the hard drives. This may include the flash drives, CDs, or of physical documents. 

If for instance, these documents are no longer in need. Proper disposal is necessary. It is very dangerous to have these documents fall into the wrong hands.

So ask, “How do this vendor manage these types of no-longer-needed data? Does their management show their high regard for data privacy?”

Employee Awareness

A good company should have well-informed employers. Information should include security awareness. This is vital, especially that if you will end up as partners. You will also be in partnership with their employees. In a sense, you will be working with them too. 

So Ask, “How educated are their employees with regards to security? Do they handle training and workshops?”

To Conclude

In all aspects, ensure thorough research of your potential business partners. 

Moreover, see this video for more information.

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