Best Cybersecurity Keywords

The 5 Best Cybersecurity Keywords

Cyber Practices Cyber Security

Let us see the following cybersecurity keywords and their summary definition. These keywords are some that you might often link to cybersecurity. So now, let’s see.

1. Cyber Security

Cyber security is a branch of computer security that focuses on protecting information from the following:

  • authorized access
  • Misuse,
  • Disclosure,
  • Disruption,
  • Modification,
  • Inspection,
  • recording or destruction

This includes the protection of systems and assets from a wide range of potential threats. Cyber security is applies to a threat system ranging from a small office network to the large-scale networks of governments and corporations.

2. Cyberattack

A cyberattack is a cyber-based attack. It aims to destroy, disrupt or exploit computers and their networks to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Cyberattacks are typically low-level attacks that do not cause physical damage. The term cyber warfare is for media and the political world as a synonym for cyberattack.

However, this term has never been formally adopted by the U.S. Department of Defense or major military power. The term might have gained popularity because it has a “cool”, science fiction ring to it and it sounds more intimidating than “cyberattack”.

3. Cybercrime

Cybercrime is a criminal activity that involves a computer and a network. It includes crimes that is related over the Internet, as well as those that involve only the use of computers. Such as data theft or even hacking into government databases.

Cybercrime are done by any of the following:

  • Individuals,
  • Groups,
  • organizations or governments

It may happen at any time with only minimal costs and risk of being caught due to its transnational nature.

4. Cyberterrorism

Cyberterrorism is an act of terrorism through cyberspace against targets chosen for any of the following:

  • Political,
  • the economic or symbolic value

It is rather than for their immediate relevance to the cause in question. Although it is rarer than conventional terrorism.

It is increasingly seen as an attractive tactic by groups whose capabilities is limits by their lack of resources or state sponsorship. Particularly since targets can easily open without risking the loss of life on either side.

The methods used in cyberterrorism range from defacing websites to Denial-of-Service attacks to destructive malware programs. Such as Stuxnet and Shamoon which have damaged physical infrastructure like nuclear power stations or oil pipelines respectively.

The motivation for cyberterrorism may be a political protest, nationalistic, religious, revolutionary, or simply criminal.

Cyberterrorism is controversial since it is not clear who can be held legally accountable for their actions.

The term Cyberterrorism is by analogy to the term “International Terrorism”. So it refers to terrorism involving the Internet, computer systems, and computer networks.

5. Cyber Insurgency or Cyber-Insurgency

It is an insurgency using cyberspace as its primary domain of operations. It is a type of Information warfare and can be thought of as a hybrid between traditional insurgency and cyberspace operations.

Cyberinsurgency is in several countries. With each of them accusing the other of waging cyber warfare. It is through their intelligence agencies to gain political and military advantage. 

In Conclusion

Cybersecurity is a very important topic because it affects everyone. In today’s world, you could encounter a cyber threat every day. Therefore, it is very important to be knowledgeable about cybersecurity. We have discussed some of the most important cybersecurity keywords.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and now have a better understanding of the topic.
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