Cybersecurity Knowledge Domains According To Cybok

Cybersecurity Knowledge Domains According To Cybok

Cyber Practices Cyber Security

How important is the cybersecurity knowledge domains according to Cybok? So we will discuss with you the following information.

What Are The Cybersecurity Knowledge Domains According To Cybok?

Cybok is an information security consulting firm that helps organizations with the development of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is a concept that combines information security, assurance, and risk management.

Cybok has classified knowledge into eight knowledge domains. These are some knowledge domains are:

  • Incident Management
  • Recovery and Restoration
  • Intrusion Detection and Response (IDS/IDR)
  • Threat Intelligence (TI)

So we will discuss one by one about each of the cybersecurity knowledge domains according to Cybok.

Incident Management According To Cybok

Incident Management (IM) is a process that allows an organization. It is to react to and respond to any incident with both efficiency and effectiveness. 

This knowledge domain is also very important for information security. This is because it focuses on the identification, containment, and eradication of incidents. 

Incident Management includes the following:

  • Incident Analysis and Investigation: The analysis of the incidents to find out what happened and how it happened. 
  • Implementing Countermeasures: The implementation of different countermeasures that are needed to prevent or reduce the risk of similar incidents from occurring again. 
  • Incident Reporting: The reporting of any incident so that the management can take different actions depending on the type of incident.

Recovery and Restoration According To Cybok

Recovery and Restoration (R&R) focuses on a specific aspect of security – restoring service after an incident. Since R&R is a knowledge domain that focuses on restoring services.

It means that this domain will be used for major incidents to restore services. However, R&R can also be used as part of an incident response process for minor incidents. 

Recovery time objectives (RTOs) are internal service level agreements (SLAs). That defines how long it should take for an organization to recover from disruption or incident. 

Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) are external SLAs. That defines how much data should be lost in case of a disaster before recovery is initiated. 

Here are the key points covered under R&R:

  • Downtime Impact Analysis: The analysis of downtime impact options so that you can determine which one is more appropriate for your organization’s needs. 
  • Recovery Plan Development: The development of different recovery plans based on different scenarios. 
  • Recovery Testing: The testing of recovery plans to ensure they are effective in case they are needed during an actual disaster or disruption event. 
  • Mishap Response Planning: Planning for any mishaps or disasters before they happen, usually through the development of emergency response plans. 

Intrusion Detection and Response (IDS/IDR) According To Cybok

Intrusion Detection and Response (IDS/IDR) is the process of protecting an organization’s assets. It involves detecting and responding to both external and internal threats. 

So it can be used as a part of an incident response process for major incidents. It can also be used to detect minor events that are not significant enough to initiate a full-fledged incident response process. 

Threat Intelligence (TI) According To Cybok

Threat Intelligence (TI) is the process of collecting, analyzing, and storing information about potential threats. So that organizations can take the necessary actions to prevent, detect, and respond to them. 

This knowledge domain focuses on gathering information about threats in different forms. Such as malware, botnets, phishing campaigns, social engineering attacks, and more. 

Threat Intelligence helps organizations determine potential risks before they occur. 

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