E-governance Information Security

10 E-governance Information Security Issues

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Know the following E-governance information security issues that occurs in a company. Also, know how these issues arise in detail.

1. Knowledge-based Authentication

Know the following about knowledge based authentication:

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or process.

A knowledge-based authentication scheme is one. In which the user ID and the corresponding password are not stored in the system.

Rather, they are stored in the user’s head. This is the common way to authenticate users.

For example, when you login to your bank account or ATM. You need to enter your personal identification number (PIN) that you have memorized only.

A typical knowledge-based authentication scheme.

2. Password Strength

Password strength measures how strong a password is. Also how much effort it takes to crack it. 

It also measures how many attempts it takes for someone to guess your password correctly. 

The following are the commonly used methods to measure the strength of a password. 

Length of password, 

Contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, etc., 

Contains special characters, 

Password contains dictionary words, 

Password has not been used before on any other account you have created.

4. Mobile Device Identification 

Know the following about mobile device identification:

• Mobile devices are identified by the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number. So which is stored in the mobile device. 

• IMEI is unique to each mobile device and is used to uniquely identify the mobile device on the mobile network. 

• IMEI is stored in a special read-only memory (ROM) of the mobile device. It cannot be changed by the user of the phone. 

5. Mobile Device Security 

The following are important security issues related to mobile devices: 

Mobile phone theft, 

Theft of sensitive data from the mobile phone, 

Theft of sensitive data from the mobile device memory. 

6. WiFi Security

The following is important about WiFi security: 

• Capturing user’s data:

When a user connects to a WiFi network, the user’s data. Such as passwords and credit card details are captured by the hacker and stored in his computer.

Then it can be used by the hacker for illegal activities such as making calls using the victim’s phone number.

 • Cracking of Key:

When a key is too short, it can easily be cracked by a person who wants to capture the user’s data.

The following are the commonly used WiFi security issues. 

Capturing the user’s data by the hacker when the user connects to a WiFi network, 

Cracking of the key by a person who wants to capture the user’s data. 

The attacker can make fake WiFi networks in order to capture the user’s data., 

7. Cryptography Issues

Know the following cryptography issues.

• Encryption:

Encoding or encrypting data so that it can only be understood by authorized people. So encrypting data helps to prevent the loss of data, theft, and spoofing. 

• Decryption:

Decoding or decrypting the encrypted data back to its original form. 

• Digital signature:

Digital signature is generated using a private key and checking it with a public key. The following are the commonly used digital signature methods. 

8. System Security Issues 

Know the following system security issues: 

1. Malware

2. Spam

3. Spoofing

4. Denial-of-service attacks

9. E-governance Security Challenges

Know the following E-governance security challenges: 

Recognizing the importance of information security, 

Awareness about information security, 

Providing adequate funding for information security, 

Establishing a well-defined information security policy, 

10. Data Privacy

Know the following about data privacy: 

Data privacy is the right to control who has access to your sensitive data. 

Sensitive data include personally identifiable information (PII). Such as the following: name, address, birth date, and social security number. 

Some other forms of sensitive data include biometrics and financial information. 

Third parties can collect and interpret data without your consent.

So that are the following E-governance Information Security Issues that occur in our company.

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