Cyber Security Solutions

Simple Cyber Security Solutions for Beginners

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Discover simple cyber security solutions for beginners.

This article offers easy ways for beginners start with cyber security. It covers topics such as common misconceptions about cyber security. Also, about what to do in the event of a data breach. Lastly, what to do if you think your device has been hacked.

Cybersecurity for Beginners: What to do in the case of a data breach

A data breach occurs when sensitive data is inadvertently leaked.

If you experience a data breach, it is important to take the proper steps to mitigate the damage. An example of a data breach can be an incident where a hacker obtains access to your computer and encrypts all of the files on your system, then sends you a message stating that you have 48 hours to pay $1,000 USD in ransom to decrypt your files, for instance.

What should I do if I am aware of or suspect that my account is compromised?

If you are aware of or suspect that your account is in compromise, you should immediately contact your local law enforcement agency. They will be able to handle the entire investigation from beginning to end. 

You also may want to contact your internet service provider (ISP), so that they may reset any internet access or wireless network connection passwords that they control. 

In addition, you can contact any relevant internet service accounts in order to change passwords for those accounts. Also, if any of the private information has been posted online, then it is wise that you contact the website administrator and ask them to remove this information. Finally, if this information is already on social media websites such as Facebook or Twitter, then contact those websites and request that they remove these posts. 

Moreover, if there is any financial implication due to an in-compromise account (such as unauthorized purchases made by someone who has your credit card number), then contact your financial institution and follow their instructions for dealing with this matter.

What should I do if I think my device has been hacked?

If you believe that one or more devices have been hacked (e.g., laptop, mobile phone), you can disconnect these devices from your home network immediately. 

By doing so, it will prevent further damage from occurring. You can also change all passwords in connection with these devices and their networks (e.g., broadband passwords). 

In addition, change all passwords associated with any other devices on your home network (e.g., router password). 

Finally, check all of these devices for malicious software (i.e., viruses). If any malicious software is on one or more devices in your home network, contact local law enforcement so they may assist in removing the malicious software from your devices. 

Simple Ways for Cyber Protection

The following are several simple rules that you can follow to protect yourself against malicious software: 

1) Update your operating system and applications as soon as new updates are available. 

2) Install a firewall on all of your computers and mobile devices. 

3) Install anti-spyware/anti-virus software. 

4) Use a unique, strong password for each account. 

5) Be aware of phishing scams when using the internet.

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