Cybersecurity Newsletter

Cybersecurity Newsletter: Topics Your Employees Should Know

Cyber Practices Cyber Security

Providing a regular dose of cybersecurity newsletter to employees is somehow healthy in keeping a healthy cybersecurity state.

The Purpose Of Regular Cybersecurity Newsletters

Cybersecurity newsletters can serve as your employee’s regular reminders in keeping up with safety. 

Why is this important?

Employees are at the frontlines of a company’s systems and networks. In addition, this means that they also hold a real deal in risks. In fact, employees often cause data breach incidents. 

So as you cannot control the risks cyberspace brings, you can control how you and your employees respond. 

One way is to equip them with the right knowledge and know-how of cyber hygiene. Perhaps conducting security training programs. Also, another way is to provide regular cybersecurity newsletters.

But what if you have run out of topics for these newsletters? 

In this post, we will list the top security awareness topics. These topics should be on the top list in developing your security awareness program. Or perhaps you can use these in your regular sending of cybersecurity newsletters.

Top Topics For Your Cybersecurity Newsletters & Awareness Program

See the top topics that you should cover in developing a cybersecurity awareness program.

1. How To Respond In Email Scams

Email scams or phishing is by far the most used cyberattack method. This method of attack may appear so basic but this method proves itself effective in gaining illicit access to an organization’s network.

How do they do this?

Email scams sometimes offer incentives. Perhaps a business opportunity or free stuff, for instance. Not to mention that it creates a ‘sense of urgency’ in response to the offer.

So, how should employees respond? What should their first outline for defense? 

Outline these concerns in your awareness program.

2. What Is Malware & How Destructive It Can Be

Malware stands for malicious software. These are used by criminals in gaining access to an organization’s data.

How does this malware appear?

Malware can be through:

  • Phishing emails 
  • Drive-by downloads
  • Malicious removable media

So how should your employees know that ‘it can be malware’? Or what practices should they avoid? How can the IT team work together in this regard?

Also, outline these concerns in your security awareness program.

3. Educate About Password Management

Passwords are the easiest gateway in accessing even the most privately kept data. That is why this is also one of the most targeted ways of cyberattackers.

In line with this, employees should have different web accounts. These accounts should include a pair of a username and password. 

This should not be a problem. However, it can be a source of a problem when mismanaged. 

So what are some password management tips that employees should know? 

  • Use different passwords for different accounts
  • Use password generators for a unique entry. It can have a mix of numbers, symbols, and letters, for instance.
  • Teach how to use a password manager, like LastPass.
  • Use MFS or multi-factor authentication to reduce the impact. That is in case a password is compromised, for instance.

Other Newsletter Topics You Can Include:

  • Safe Cloud Habits
  • How to use removable media
  • How to make use of social media safely
  • Physical and environmental dangers and controls
  • Clean desk policy
  • Data management
  • BYOD or Bring-your-own-device Policy

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